Standard Disclaimer: This page is a listing and links to news items regarding transgender persons from 1989. It is ordered by date of appearance in the news, not the date of the event. Note that the text summaries are not transcripts.
February 5, 1989. Greensboro North Carolina News and Record, page G7
An article discusses new surgical techniques which make it easier for female to male transsexuals to have greater success in their physical transition. It does mention that a typical female to male transition can cost $50,000 or more.
May 6, 1989. Greensboro North Carolina News and Record, page B4
Christine Jorgensen, pioneer of the transsexual movement, who died of cancer at age 62 on May 3, will have a party for her funeral. Her ashes were scattered at sea, but she will be remembered in a party in weeks to come.
May 9, 1989. Boston Herald, page 3
Sarah Luiz, born Jeffrey Luiz, is fighting Blue Cross/Blue Shield to have their sexual reassignment surgery costs covered by insurance. However, it’s noted that Blue Cross/Blue Shield did at least pay for Luiz’ hormones and psychotherapy.