Standard Disclaimer: This page is a listing and links to news items regarding transgender persons from 1988. It is ordered by date of appearance in the news, not the date of the event. Note that the text summaries are not transcripts.
August 20, 1988. New Orleans Times Picayune, page B-61
A very peripheral mention of a transgender person appears in an article about, of all things, a mouse found in a Coors beer can. In this case, the transgender person is listed as “Kaiema Harvey, a transsexual who won $1 million in a New York lottery in 1981.”
September 28, 1988. Aberdeen South Dakota Daily News, page C-1
“Transsexual Robbin C. Holm’s request for parole has been continued two months,” leads this article. While normally a person in prison for a simple felony bad check charge would be no news at all, this article almost lavishes attention over the fact that she has breast implants but has not had bottom surgery. Good grief.