Standard Disclaimer: This page is a listing and links to news items regarding transgender persons from 1984. It is ordered by date of appearance in the news, not the date of the event. Note that the text summaries are not transcripts.
January 1, 1984. Cleveland Plain Dealer, page 19A
Karen F. Ulane, a Boeing 727 pilot who was unfairly fired from Eastern Airlines after her gender transition, has won both her job back and damages in Federal court! The article which introduced us to her may be found on the 1981 Transgender News page, and is linked directly here.
January 18, 1984. Chicago Tribune, page 16
Christin Jorgensen is reported to have a New Year’s resolution to write 30 pages every day about her life.
February 3, 1984. Springfield Massachusetts Union, page 19
An “almanac” notes the following.
February 14, 1984. Portland Oregonian, page A14
More details are provided regarding the settlement of transsexual Eastern Airlines pilot Karen F. Ulane. See the January 1 article for more information.
December 28, Dallas Morning News. Page 1C-2C
A two-page article discusses in detail the practice of Dr. Stanley Biber in Trinidad, Colorado. The article has many anecdotes about women he helped, and is somewhat interesting to read. You can read page 1 here, and page 2 here.