Standard Disclaimer: This page is a listing and links to news items regarding transgender persons from 1979. It is ordered by date of appearance in the news, not the date of the event. Note that the text summaries are not transcripts.
March 2, 1979. San Diego Union, page A21
A news report tells of a lawsuit by a transsexual woman, Julie Phillips, won against her doctor. A settlement was negotiated by her attorney, the famous Melvin Belli, who argued that his client was pressured into sexual reassignment surgery when all she wanted was breast implants.
April 7, 1979. Chicago Metro News
A film review of Let Me Die as a Woman runs in the Chicago Metro News, and the film receives a very positive review.
May 13, 1979. Baton Rouge Advocate
An article in the Baton Rouge Advocate tells of research in transsexualism at Washington University, St Louis. A transsexual man named “Joan” is highlighted in the article.
June 10, 1979. San Diego Union, pages D-1, D-6, and D-9
The San Diego Union publishes a large article on transsexual persons, titled “On Becoming a Woman.” Their focus is on one unnamed individual and her life, including her problems trying to get Medi-Cal and other agencies to fund her medical procedures.
Page D-1.
Page D-6.
Page D-9.
July 17, 1979. Dallas Morning News
A California transsexual woman named Selena Jagger is suing her doctor over a botched sexual reassignment surgery.
September 8, 1979. Dallas Morning News
A transsexual woman has been sentenced to life for murdering a 75-year-old woman while attempting to steal a child.
December 7, 1979. Portland Oregonian, page A21
Authorities say that a transsexual parent has absconded with their son and is being sought by police.