Standard Disclaimer: This page is a listing and links to news items regarding transgender persons from 1967. It is ordered by date of appearance in the news, not the date of the event. Note that the text summaries are not transcripts.
January 7, 1967. San Diego Union, page B15
As reported upon in 1966, the University of Minnesota hospital has performed its first sexual reassignment surgery. This will be the first of approximately 20 surgeries which the hospital will perform in order to study the long-term effects of physical transition on the patients mental status.
February 20, 1967. Aberdeen South Dakota Daily News, page 5
After 10 years of work, Christine Jorgensen’s autobiography has been turned over to publishers. Says Christine: “After 15 years, I’m legitimate…”
April 15, 1967. Cleveland Plain Dealer, page 14
The first patient who underwent sexual reassignment surgery at the University of Minnesota this year (see the January 7th entry above) has gone to court to have their name changed. However, no names are supplied by the article.
June 4, 1967. Boston Record, page 25
April Ashley is quoted as saying about Marlene Dietrich: “I haven’t seen such an exciting show since I was a little boy.”
June 25, 1967. Rockford Illinois Morning Star, page D12
A medium-length article attempts to explain the facts behind being a transsexual, and (especially for its time), it seems reasonably fair.
August 8, 1967. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, page 1
Gloria C. Schuff, described as a statuesque blonde exotic dancer at the Brass Rail, was arrested for allegedly having sexual relations with a man. When she said she had had sexual reassignment surgery, suddenly the man she was with changed his story. Nonetheless, both were still fined $50 for “disorderly conduct.”
August 9, 1967. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, page 3
A follow-up story to the original one on the 8th contains little additional information on the adventures of Ms. Gloria C. Schuff.
October 8, 1967. Baton Rouge Advocate, page 80
A review of Christine Jorgensen’s autobiography is printed, and is generally positive for the first part of the book, then the reviewer did not seem to care as much for the second part.
November 13, 1967. Trenton New Jersey Evening Times, page 14
An interview with Christine Jorgensen is published, in connection with her autobiographical release, and she remarks on how much society has changed and how she is treated much better than she was back in 1953.